
Holly Crafts Colasanti

About Holly

hello everyone!  my name is holly and i live in brooklyn, new york, with my two sons and husband. i graduated in 2010, but took time off from practicing to have my kiddos and take the time to be a mom, and be there for the brief time they're little. i've just recently returned to practice, after dusting off my memory, and in many ways, i am reconfiguring my focus as well as my priorities. turns out, motherhood profoundly shifted me as a person (duh), as well as a practitioner. my second son had what appeared as colic, but now in retrospect, might have been more of an overarching issue of sensory regulation. through our experiences and struggles as a parent, i've clarified my desire to help families and children who are deeply struggling, and for whom other modalities are coming up short. also, since knowingly struggling as a parent to prioritize my own self-care, my passion project has become to have a clinic with on-site childcare, with an added dimension of pediatric acupuncture in its own right.  it seems that pediatric-focused acupuncture practices aren't as common as you'd think in such a busy and progressive city as new york! there is the need and the interest, i am certain; now it's just a matter of exposure, education & availability! for me in this course, i'm looking to gain the confidence to move and treat beyond my own children, to have a pede practice based in real-life experience as opposed to the theoretical. i look forward to meeting, sharing and learning with all of you! holly


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