
Top 6 Tips to Clean Up Your Sleep


 There’s nothing worse than lying down at night for a restful nights sleep only to find yourself wide-awake at 2AM watching the paint peel. Well okay, maybe there are a few things that are worse, but you get the idea. With an estimated 50-70 million American’s suffering from sleep disorders(1) it’s no surprise that the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recently announced that insufficient sleep has become a public health epidemic(2).

Looking For A Natural Cure to Heal Your Sleep Wo…

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Teaching Children to Meditate: Simple Steps for Getting Started

Meditation - Kids

My Boys Meditating Before School


Kids are naturally mindful.  Have you ever noticed how completely present they are during play, enjoyable tasks or anything that holds their interest?  Most kids are mindful until about age 9 or 10 when their bodies and brains begin to change in preparation for puberty.  If you can show them how to continue being mindful and how to meditate at an early age it is a wonderful gift you can give them that will help them their whole life.  

Meditation is simply s…

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Growing Shouldn’t Be a Pain: Treat Growing Pains Naturally


 Growing pains refer to deep muscle aches or, according to Web MD, “stretching [of ] the bone’s thick covering” (1).  This may be due to rapid bone growth or intense physical activity.  The pain usually occurs in the late afternoon or evening.  Most children experience growing pains between the ages of 3 and 7 years, although pre-teens may also experience growing pains, too.  Growing shouldn’t be a pain and from a holistic perspective diet and nutrition can heal the root of the problem.  I’ve al…

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Step 1: AcuParents™ Personalize Their Parenting by Understanding Their Child on a Deeper Level


As parents, we intuitively know our children are unique. 

Even so, it can be quite shocking to have two kids who are complete opposites despite their parentage! Each child has different strengths and challenges and will need a different type of parenting in order to thrive. You may also notice that each child tends to have different health problems. One child may spike a high fever with every illness and your other child has colds that always go into the chest. If your child suffers from a chro…

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Top Six Kid And Toddler Superfoods


Top Six Kid And Toddler Superfoods

As all great physicians, parents, and baby books will tell you, kids need to eat their fruits and vegetables. Most everyone is aware that fruits and veggies are healthy and have awesome benefits. However, not everyone realizes just how many benefits fruits and vegetables can give to growing children. The right nutrients can strengthen kids and help them develop sturdy immune systems.

Here are the top six fruits and vegetables children need in their diet:

1. …

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Six Natural Ways to Treat Croupy Cough

Sometime last week around 3 a.m. I woke up to the sound of a seal barking.  It took a few minutes for me to realize that it was my son coughing.  

My next thought was, "Oh boy, here we go again with the croup."  

My husband and I are no strangers to croup since my oldest son typically gets it once or twice a year.   

The first time he had croup he was about 18 months old and I was just finishing my advanced classes in acupuncture pediatrics. I had studied croup and heard the audio recordings …

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Allergy Remedies that Work

Our Favorite Allergy Remedies


It’s that time of year again: sniffly, itchy, sneezy allergy season! When it comes to allergies, herbal formulas can help treat the annoying symptoms and provide significant relief.

My Favorite Formulas for Alleviating Allergy Symptomsdhist-300x300.jpg

We have a variety of herbal formulas and supplements available depending on your particular set of symptoms. Do you suffer from itchy eyes? Stuffed sinuses? Trouble breathing? Sneezing and runny nose? It's always good to get a specific recommendation for your…

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Why is My Kid So Cranky?

cranky face

I'm sure there have been times when you've asked yourself, "why is my kid so cranky?"  Then if your not completely exhausted from dealing with your cranky kid, you go down the checklist of possibilities:

  1. Is he hungry?
  2. Did he get a good night sleep? Does he need a nap?
  3. Did he have anything sugary to eat?
  4. Has he had too much screen time?

No. No. No. No.   What could it be?  Oh, no!  He might getting sick!  Crankiness, whining, and irritability are the first signs that your child could be …

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Chocolate Chip Flax Muffins (Gluten Free)


This recipe was inspired from a cookie recipe that Patti Tartaglia of The Food Fixx showed me how to make during one our cooking lessons a few years ago. I wanted to make a muffin or cookie that was healthy to pack in my kid’s lunches. I ended up turning the cookie into a muffin and now it is our favorite things to eat for breakfast or anytime we need a quick snack.


  • 1 cup flaxseed meal
  • 1/2 cup Sorghum flour blend*
  • 1/2 cup hazelnut meal (of whatever nut you prefer)
  • 2 tsp bakin…

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Acupuncture Treats Inflammatory Skin Conditions


 The subject of skin conditions is one that hits close to home for me. My oldest son started to develop eczema when he was about 3 months old. By 9 months the eczema had spread from the back of his arms to most of his body, except his trunk and scalp. I tried all the conventional medical treatments which included hydrocortisone creams, other prescription eczema creams, baths with a small amount of bleach (can you believe the dermatologist recommended that) and nothing worked. I was reluctant to …

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