
[Video] Week 2: A User's Manual for Your Child

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Has your child's behavior ever baffled you?

Or maybe your kids are complete opposites? One child is outgoing, friendly and adventurous while your other child is shy and quiet. Or maybe your child is very different from you and your partner or spouse? One of my patients recently shared that her son, a Water child, started crying when she told him they were going on vacation to Hawaii! She said he was sobbing because he didn't want to leave his toys at home. I…

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[Video] Week 1: The Story Behind Heal Your Child from the Inside Out Book

I'm SO excited to share that my book, Heal Your Child from the Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids, has been released! The official release date was October 18th!! Woo hoo!! To celebrate its release, I'm launching an all new video series to give you the inside scoop on my book. In my upcoming videos, you'll learn how you can use Chinese medicine and the 5-Elements at home.

Week 1 Video: Who inspired the book & what I never want another parent to have to go through!

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Safe Dosages and Best Probiotic Brands for Kids and Adults


Taking probiotics on a regular basis is an essential part of our overall health. Stress, antibiotics, eating poorly, and excessive sugar intake all take a toll on the good bacteria in our gut. That's why it's necessary to supplement with probiotics. Click here to learn more about the 6 Amazing Things our Gut Flora Does. While you can get probiotics from kefir, yogurt, kombucha, and fermented foods it can sometimes be difficult to eat enough of these foods to make a difference. If you don't like …

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5 Ways to Keep Your Gut Flora Healthy



Here are just a few of the things you can do at home to support healthy gut flora:


#1 Eat a fiber rich diet

Make sure to eat plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Think a 5 - 10 servings each day.  

#2 Avoid Processed Foods and Fast Foods

Processed, pre-made, and prepackaged foods are full of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. These chemicals are really hard on our gut flora and will negatively impact them. There isn't a single item on a fast food menu that doesn'…

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Survival Guide for Parents of Picky Eaters


Have you ever been frustrated or worried about your child’s picky eating habits?

Maybe they used to love their peas and carrots, but now they’re turning up their nose!  What happened to the good eater you could brag about? This happened to me with my first and most picky child. I spent many wasted hours fretting about his nutrition, wondering where I went wrong and trying to figure out how I failed him. During a low point with his weight, I had nightmares that he was going to die, so I took him…

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8 Hearty Breakfast Ideas That Fill Kids Up


8 Hearty Breakfast Ideas Your Kids Will Love

When my boys went to public school, I'd started each school year with grand ideas of getting them to eat super fun healthy lunches.  Unfortunately, my kids had other ideas... like playing at lunch recess instead of eating. My game plan became getting them to eat a hearty breakfast with lots of protein, whole grains, and fruits. Then provide a simple lunch at school that they can quickly eat, followed by a healthy snack right after school.  

Here is …

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Rethinking Classroom Parties Part 2: 15 Ideas to Bring the Fun Not the Food


Are you concerned about what your kid is eating at school?

Are all the treats brought into the class for birthdays and class celebrations driving you bonkers?  You are not alone, my friend.  Many parents share your frustrations and I think the time is right for concerned parents to stand up and be the change. Say it with me now… “Parents and teachers unite against junk food in the classroom!”  Let’s get the sugary treats and fake food out of the classroom. Let’s make class parties and birthdays…

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Rethinking Class Parties Part 3: Why One Teacher Doesn't Allow Sugar in Her Classroom

No Food Class Party

Sugar is everywhere! Kids experience it at the end of sports games, at birthday parties, and even in the classroom. This inundation of sugar creates kids with a pretty hefty sweet tooth.

How do we stop the sugar? I think we can start in the classroom. As a classroom teacher for over 30 years, I have many reasons to avoid sugar in my classroom, and I advocate that you encourage your teacher to do the same.

#1 Sugar affects all children differently. Mostly, I have observed an increase in poor at…

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2 Easy Ways to Beat Stress and Anxiety


For many families, social and academic issues related to school are the biggest sources of stress. When under stress, your child may start acting out, become irritable, moody, or start having stress-related symptoms like low appetite, stomachaches, headaches, or difficulty sleeping.  

How Stress Manifests According to the Five Element Types

Every child will manifest the effects of stress differently according to his or her Five Element type. The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and …

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Acupressure and Massage for Bedwetting in Children - Reader Q & A


Reader Question:

My seven year old son suffers from frequent bedwetting. He finds it really embarrassing and is afraid to spend the night at anyone else's house. Do you have any suggestions for treating this with Chinese medicine?

A: How to Treat Bedwetting with Acupressure and Massage

In Chinese Medicine, the most common cause of bedwetting is due to an imbalance in the Water element. The Water element corresponds to the kidneys and urinary bladder.  When out of balance, a child will usually…

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